Palta Films S.R.L. nace en 2013 gracias a la visión conjunta de Nicolás Cobasky, Hernán Figueroa y Nicolás Mikey. Inspirados por el impulso y la pasión de narrar historias, abordamos cada proyecto con una perspectiva original arraigada en la riqueza cultural de América Latina.
Buscamos historias auténticas, nos aventuramos a lugares remotos y de difícil acceso. Creemos en la potencia universal de las historias pequeñas. Estamos comprometidos a superar los desafíos logísticos para capturar la esencia de cada narrativa que encontramos. Realizamos rodajes en entornos desafiantes y lugares remotos de Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay y Perú.
Nos enorgullece ser parte de la esfera política y social de nuestra región a través de obras cinematográficas significativas. Reconocemos la importancia de mantenernos a la vanguardia de las nuevas tecnologías, formas de producción y canales de distribución. Ya sea a través de documentales o ficciones, nuestros trabajos han sido reconocidos y premiados en su paso por festivales, mercados, salas comerciales y plataformas de todo el mundo.
Ofrecemos también servicios integrales de producción y postproducción tanto para proyectos cinematográficos e institucionales.
Cada proyecto es una travesía, yendo más allá de lo convencional, superando obstáculos para compartir historias que merecen ser contadas.
Palta Films S.R.L. was born in 2013 thanks to the joint vision of Nicolás Cobasky, Hernán Figueroa and Nicolás Mikey. Inspired by the drive and passion for storytelling, we approach each project with an original perspective rooted in the cultural richness of Latin America.
We look for authentic stories, we venture to remote and difficult to access places. We believe in the universal power of small stories. We are committed to overcoming logistical challenges to capture the essence of every narrative we encounter. We shoot in challenging environments and remote locations in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru.
We are proud to be part of the political and social sphere of our region through significant cinematographic works. We recognize the importance of staying at the forefront of new technologies, forms of production and distribution channels. Whether through documentaries or fiction, our works have been recognized and awarded at festivals, markets, commercial venues and platforms around the world.
We also offer comprehensive production and post-production services for both film and institutional projects.
Each project is a journey, going beyond the conventional, overcoming obstacles to share stories that deserve to be told.
We look for authentic stories, we venture to remote and difficult to access places. We believe in the universal power of small stories. We are committed to overcoming logistical challenges to capture the essence of every narrative we encounter. We shoot in challenging environments and remote locations in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru.
We are proud to be part of the political and social sphere of our region through significant cinematographic works. We recognize the importance of staying at the forefront of new technologies, forms of production and distribution channels. Whether through documentaries or fiction, our works have been recognized and awarded at festivals, markets, commercial venues and platforms around the world.
We also offer comprehensive production and post-production services for both film and institutional projects.
Each project is a journey, going beyond the conventional, overcoming obstacles to share stories that deserve to be told.